About Us
Muntjacstalkinguk.com is a specialist Company devoted to the stalking of Muntjac and Chinese Water Deer. To stalk with us on a 1 to 1 basis is to experience the thrill of close up stalking at dawn and dusk for some of our most elusive deer. Great patience is required as most shots are taken quickly at ranges of less than 50. metres. You will be expected to walk for 2/3 hours per stalk , with frequent pauses to watch deer materialise from a seemingly empty understorey. You will find that stalking these deer can be both challenging and frustrating, but the ultimate goal is rewarding. Our stalking area covers thousands of acres of dense woodland and open farmland, as these deer can be found almost anywhere. We do have high seats, although these are generally reserved for stalkers with mobility problems, or for specific deer.
Your guide will be a stalker of many years experience in the management of these diminutive animals. He manages both gamebird and animals in the locality. As such he is on the ground regularly and knows the topography intimately. He has the knowledge to guide both the novice and seasoned stalker to achieve the object of their stalk, be it cull or trophy beast.
We pride ourselves on the fact that we do not over shoot our grounds, in order to maintain good stocks. The numbers of deer taken are part of our cull plan to achieve this. All classes of animals will be available each season. This said, you will expect to see a number of deer on each stalk,whether a shot is available or not.
Muntjac Stalking
Our stalking grounds are local to our County Town of Bedford. Should you wish to explore the area further during your visit, the centres of London, Peterborough, Cambridge and Milton Keynes are available to you via a car or train journey of 30 minutes to one hour. There are other local attractions such as Woburn Safari and Deer Park ( where muntjac originated from) in the locality. Your guide will be happy to advise you on this and other areas of interest should you so desire.
We can arrange for good local Bed and Breakfast accommodation, with evening dining and public house facilities close by.
Should you require airport collection and local transport, then this can be provided by arrangement.
Should you wish to to bring observers, this can be made possible.
In addition, firearms passes can be arranged if the need occurs.
We wish to have only happy customers, therefore all attempts are made for your trip to be a happy and successful one.
Should you have any special requirements, please ask and we will do or best to fulfill them.